Income Generating Activities

Even before Phase I construction is completed, sustainability is one of Touching Lives highest priorities. The Touching Lives Kenya Board of Directors decided to establish some of the infrastructure needed for a hospital in advance of construction. The “fruits” of each of these projects has been made available to the community as we wait for the full approval of our construction plans, construction, and the opening of Phase 1 of the Medical Center. Once we begin to open our doors to admit inpatients, the focus of these projects will shift to meeting the nutritional needs of our patients. 

Green House

With the generous support of our donors, TLK purchased a greenhouse in 2017. The harvests will soon provide nutrition of our inpatients and decrease costs for the hospital. Today our harvests are made available to community members and local businesses at a reduced cost. Proceeds from the sales are used to help support each of our income producing activities.


Construction, including the initial phase of campus-wide solar electricity, on our chicken coop and poultry project, began in 2019. Once again, our generous donors teamed up with community members to provide a Poultry Project for God’s Hill including an incubator that holds over 1,000 eggs. Since that time local farmers have been able to rent space in the incubator and have received instructions on feeding chicks and chickens in nutritious yet cost effective ways. During the height of the Covid pandemic chicks, and lessons on their feeding and care, were donated to many of the community’s households.


The men of Sanjweru were joined by members of the 2019 American medical mission team to begin preparing the land on God’s Hill for an orchard project. Since that time over 50 paupau and mango tree seedlings have been planted. The goal for the orchard is to eventually add orange, banana trees and others. Each of these projects will be used to decrease the cost of feeding our patients when Phase 1 of construction is completed.
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