Pamela Harris-Haman CRNP, NNP-BC, Secretary

Born and raised in a small town outside of Johnstown, Pa, Pam was brought up in the United Methodist Church. Following high school Pam attended Penn State for her nursing degree and Georgetown University for her nurse practitioner training. Her passion for babies has been life-long and has led her to work in a NICU for her nursing career. She has extensive experience teaching including presenting lectures at hospitals in China and has also been the camp nurse for the United Methodist Conference camps. Pam’s interest in missions work was first placed on her heart years ago through one of her daughters’ teachers. She has spent many years developing the tools God desired for her to have to pursue this calling. In 2011 Pam met Kathi through a process only God could arrange, and Pam joined the medical mission team to Sanjweru in October 2011. Feeling the yearning for a deeper relationship with God and a pull towards more biblical based teachings she began attending Garden Chapel in Middletown, Pa. There she is involved in the ladies ministry as well as Seed Sowers ministries. Pam also enjoys swimming, sewing, canoeing, reading and spending time with her family. God has impressed upon her heart to care for babies and children, to teach mother to care for their children and to train health care providers in order to increase the survival and improve outcomes for these tiny blessings God has given us. Mark 10:27 … for all things are possible with God.